

Aug 22

地东线货运布加勒斯特 bucharest布勒伊拉 braila ROBLA

港口中文 港口英文 港口代码 所属国家 国家英文 所属航线
康斯坦察 constanta ROCTA 罗马尼亚 Romania 黑海线
康斯坦萨 constanza,ro ROCON 罗马尼亚 Romania 黑海线
布勒伊拉 braila ROBLA 罗马尼亚 Romania 地东线
布加勒斯特 bucharest ROBUC 罗马尼亚 Romania 欧洲内陆点
加拉茨 galatz ROGLZ 罗马尼亚 Romania 地东线
The Philippines is the world’s primary seafarer supply country, we at Santoku Senpaku are proud to have been one of the first Japanese shipping companies to expand the business to the Philippines long before it became an industry standard. Our crew manning agencies – Orophil Shipping and ST Ocean Philippines – provide guidance and education to local staffs and seafarers. We dispatch Santoku Senapku staffs from Japan to the Philippines to provide quality crew education. We regularly travel to visit the following agencies in various countries not only to secure excellent crews but to promote safe operation management guidelines. Training is conducted before embarkation and after disembarkation.

We continuously work to improve the efficiency of our operations through management based on the ISO 9001 quality management system.
